Sunday, 15 May 2011


I've remember or finally understood what I want to express in music and that is for it to be dynamic. Dynamic being constantly changing which is what I believe another dimension to music which its lacking. I understand now why I despise repeating other people's songs - there's no dynamics to it - of course there is variation but nothing dynamic in the true sense of the word, it's repeating a linear recording, which of course does have its merits (should draw up the advantages/disadvantages of dynamic music) but is not what I love which is improvisation. There should be a band completely improvising their music, capturing emotion as they come and truly being in the moment - something quite unique.

I want to improvise all my things - or at least most of them and mix up the linear and dynamic - catchy versus experimental
I want to record my audio visual stuff and my songs in an improvised way
I want to put up my dissertation stuff on dynamic music
I want to write a book or an extended essay about dynamic music one day
I want to rewrite this blog and make sure it actually makes sense not just a rushed piece of crap. Then again the beuty of things in the moment can be the mistakes that are made :D

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