Sunday 15 May 2011


I've remember or finally understood what I want to express in music and that is for it to be dynamic. Dynamic being constantly changing which is what I believe another dimension to music which its lacking. I understand now why I despise repeating other people's songs - there's no dynamics to it - of course there is variation but nothing dynamic in the true sense of the word, it's repeating a linear recording, which of course does have its merits (should draw up the advantages/disadvantages of dynamic music) but is not what I love which is improvisation. There should be a band completely improvising their music, capturing emotion as they come and truly being in the moment - something quite unique.

I want to improvise all my things - or at least most of them and mix up the linear and dynamic - catchy versus experimental
I want to record my audio visual stuff and my songs in an improvised way
I want to put up my dissertation stuff on dynamic music
I want to write a book or an extended essay about dynamic music one day
I want to rewrite this blog and make sure it actually makes sense not just a rushed piece of crap. Then again the beuty of things in the moment can be the mistakes that are made :D

Friday 15 April 2011

something unfinished

humming bird
suspended flight
sap his vigor
shield tree

walk dirt track roads,
in morning light
a lone dog barks
in spatter bright

wild silence
chimes teeth and silver potions
seeping haze you blur our days.
wings of words and motions.

...Dancing like madness
and carving night

laughing dreams and broken spears,
shudder path awoken.
embrace. embrace cells that whisper ways - paths before they're spoken.

Dust now rolls, in morning light
eternal chords
browns cold and bright
before my body,
sync sense to sight.

The rest, long awaited
surrender spite.
of whispers love
Elusive perfection
feels. just. Right.

Wednesday 15 December 2010

started to crack on with this 6 hours a day guitar routine, now that my exams outta the way. I've realized yet again that I've got a fuck load to learn and I need to keep a constant record of my shtuff. Soooo here's a Dorian modal improv... enjoy

Notes for improvement: Longer chord progressions, remember to hit toggle switch to rhythm when sweeping

Thursday 2 December 2010


lol. I'm more intelligent than you, just wait and see. Enjoy your masturbation.

Saturday 27 November 2010


I stayed up all night working on a custom presentation. Fully interactive and pretty damn fine looking. Sadly I can't show it because of confidentiality and copyright issues but I can put the shelving up, 3D modeled by haris and photoshoped by myself.

Tuesday 23 November 2010


okay me and a friend of mine tried to make an electromagnet today. We failed :(

I guess we're gonna have to use more coils and possibly a stronger magnet another time... Still, no custom pickups for us

Monday 22 November 2010

blinking circuit

I managed to build a blinking circuit that works on a timer chip. Pretty good next step. I can now read circuit diagrams :)

Annoyingly even with the video feature, the shit frame rate of my webcam won't pick up the blinking, you'll just have to take my word for it.